american international school hong kong

Tips for Choosing an International School

Selecting an international school for his or her child is right among the most important decisions which one has to make. It produces certain outcomes on the child academically and socially or on the formation of the character of the child.

Factors for selecting the best international school

Accreditation and recognition

Recognition is essential to get accreditation, proving that the school meets specific educational standards and is convenient for students as universities in different countries accept the school. Specifically, when selecting the schools, one has to focus on such institutions that the renowned organizations credit. Also, find out if the curriculum offered in the school and the qualifications offered are accredited in your home country, or any country your child may wish to further their studies.

Faculty qualifications and student teacher ratio

Potential teachers directly determine how your child or ward is trained, which compromises the entirety of learning. When considering schools for enrollment, ask the teachers for their certifications and teaching experience in other countries. The educators hired in most internationally acclaimed institutions come from different parts of the world, and most of them have, at the least, master’s degrees and any necessary certification. For example, the student teacher ratio can be evaluated by talking about the school’s classes, as small classes usually indicate better conditions for extra attention to every student.

International School

Facilities and resources

The american international school hong kong will inspect its amenities and other resources that may be available. Consider well equipped desks and chairs, school furniture, libraries, laboratories, games, and sports equipment.  It applies, and the question is whether the school has resources for children with learning disabilities.

Co curricular activities and other development related activities

Education involves not only class work but also all around development. It is required to assess the options for extracurricular activities regarding sports, arts, music, and service. They also assist students’ personal development and leadership skills and also offer social relations for the students.

Diversity and cultural inclusivity

The first factor is that students get to learn new cultures if those are present in the network of international schools. Think about cultural diversity in the student population and its allowance in the school. Seek out schools with goals that also include images of a diverse and interconnected world within students.

Location and transportation

Logistical issues like where the school is situated and how to get to it can also not be overlooked. The time taken to travel to school and the kind of transport that will be used, for instance, school buses, public means, or even the contracts that the parents provide for transporting their children to school. Others choose schools near them or closer to their place of work for ease.

Language policy

When you are in a different country, learning the school’s language policy can be vital. Some international schools have bilateral programs or good host country language programs. Think about how the school assists children who are not comfortable with the English language and whether the learners are allowed to learn other languages.


Do not forget that every child has a different personality, and an ideal solution that helps one family can be harmful to another. Provide the best education to your child to turn towards a better future by investing time and effort in selecting the best school or college.

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